Our “short” ride through Illinois
The state of Illinois- thus far the shortest state we rode across. Days 25-27, June 25-27th.
The state of Illinois- thus far the shortest state we rode across. Days 25-27, June 25-27th.
The last of Kentucky and map 10. Crossing over into Illinois with some new friends!
Day 14-17/June 14-17 Days in Kentucky with some animal events
The end of Virginia and the start of Ketucky. The last of the major Appalachian mountains.
June 7th-9th, Day 7-9. The end of map 12, the beginning of map 11. New friends and new flats.
Day 5 and 6/ June 5th and 6th of the journey- Part of the Appalachian mountains
June 3 and 4 of the bike trip (Day 3 and 4), from Ashland to Charlottesville, VA
Pre- start to the official trip
The first two days of the journey!
What I'm bring on the bike trip.