Evora is an hour train ride East of Lisbon and a bit South.
Peacocks in the public garden
I heard it from my Bla Bla car driver from Porto to Coimbra and then from there others gave it good reviews.
After my short time in Obidos, I was a bit nervous because there are limited trains meaning it’s only in the morning and the evenings- I got the 9.02 train (at Oriente station) and left at 16.57 as there was no train back before then.
However, I found this was good to have seen everything and I had time to wait. A few things were closed because it was Monday and one of the churches I wanted to go to was under construction so; therefore, closed. If these were open I probably would have spent the whole time touring, but not more is needed.
Make sure to ask for young person discount (under 25) for train tickets- you will need your ID preferably your passport.
The train station is about 10 minutes from the city center. You first come across the public gardens, which holds the remaining part of the medieval castle, the women section. When I was there, it housed an exhibition on owls, which was cute.
There were peacocks everywhere in this park.
From here, I went to San Francisco church, which holds the Ossuary- like Kutna Hora in the Czech Republic, please see that post, there is a room or Chapel that is decorated with bones of those who have long been dead.
This one even had 2 mummies, which were hanging, but now in display cases.
There is a weird phrase written at the entrance door in Latin, which translates to something like,
“There are bones here and we await yours.”
The point was to reflect on how life is delicate and that we all end up in the same spot.
It was still creepy and sad.
Upon entering the room, a woman with a big fancy camera said she was a student and she was taking photos of tourists. The way she said it sounded like a school project. I agreeded. When leaving a man was showing the photos asking if we wanted to buy them.
I felt a bit scammed, not that I was obligated to buy them and indeed I didn’t, but that’s something you see at an amusement park or the zoo, not in a church.
This curch also holds an exhibit on a collection of Nativity scenes and some religious statues. They offer a view of the city from their terrace, which was nice.
I walked through the town, picking up a map from the tourist office. I read online that there are some prehistoric stones like Stonehenge near there, but as I read and the tourist office confirmed, there is no public transportation. Just your own car or a tour group. I was a bit disappointed, but nothing to do.
Evora also has an old Roman temple ruin and a Roman bath.
Finding the bath, I felt like an idiot. Both my hard and Google maps told me it was in this one building, but it was a bank or something- it did not look like it would hold something old nor did it have a sign.
I cautiously walk inside and I finally see a sign that said hot baths and walk over. There was a big pool unearthed. There were some workers digging or whatever and they looked up and waved to me and continued their discussion.
In comparison to Pompeii and Paestum (please see those posts), this Roman temple wasn’t that great, but it was in a square and; therefore, free.
I didn’t pay to go into the main cathedral, but it is said to be the biggest medieval cathedral in Portugal.
I did pay to go into the old university. After Coimbra, I thought it would be something similar. The only thing nice was that the walls are all covered with blue and white titles. The main thing is the courtyard, which you can see without paying. It was only 3 euros, but I didn’t think it was worth it especially since it’s just you wandering the halls while class is going on and there are no information panels.
There is also an aqueduct that goes through the city and some medieval walls.
After touring, like I said, I had a bit to wait so I decided to get some wine as this region is known for their wine.
I wanted to go to this wine place that had tastings, but it was closed for the holidays until Feb 3rd, being January, I was in no luck.
I found a restaurant in front of San Francisco church. The waitress made me as a super tourist or something because not only did she bring me bread, she also brought me appetizers without me asking.
I wasn’t sure if this was going to be charged or not. No one else received the appetizers so I figured those would be. I ordered my wine and ate them. She gave me a massive wine and though I had a small lunch a little bit beforehand, I decided I should eat something else.
I ordered a meal and told a different waiter I didn’t want the bread (she took it off my bill).
Overall the meal wasn’t that expensive. I had a lot of food and was stuffed and didn’t eat dinner that night save for a clementine.
Evora was a lovely town and if you have the extra time, I think it’s worth heading over especially if you like wine.
Train ride back to Lisbon- view of Lisbon at sunset
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